Composition IX
Biomorphic abstraction
Oil on canvas
44.7 × 76.8" (113.5 × 195.0 cm)
Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou
The “Composition IX” is often numbered among surrealism works, though Kandinsky himself denied any influence of surrealism on his works. But it is still obvious that biomorphic shapes are very close to those of surrealists, for example of Joan Mir?.
The painter created only one preliminary sketch for this “Composition IX”, while the “Composition X” was made even without any of it. According to Nina Kandinskaya at that point of her husband’s creative progress the painter was able to “see” the picture exclusively in his head, and then he just revealed it on the canvas. Wide diagonal colored stripes on the background serve as a basis for biomorphic and geometric forms as if soaring above it. The “Composition IX” bears palpable decorative sensation in comparison with emotional depth and expressiveness of his earlier compositions.
The painter created only one preliminary sketch for this “Composition IX”, while the “Composition X” was made even without any of it. According to Nina Kandinskaya at that point of her husband’s creative progress the painter was able to “see” the picture exclusively in his head, and then he just revealed it on the canvas. Wide diagonal colored stripes on the background serve as a basis for biomorphic and geometric forms as if soaring above it. The “Composition IX” bears palpable decorative sensation in comparison with emotional depth and expressiveness of his earlier compositions.
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22 February 2015
papa pete from italy: this is masterpiece05 June 2014
Peggy from Haker: Looking to purchase a copy. When will it become available? Where else might I find it?16 January 2013
Mark from Maine: Where do I find this print for sale???24 October 2011
Kate Elliott from Perchance is there a print available of this masterpiece?