Upward (1929)  by Wassily Kandinsky



Geometric abstraction

Oil on cardboard

Venice. Peggy Guggenheim Collection

This work is also symbolic: a whole composition consisting of geometric shapes, in accordance with its title, offers us “energetically vertical” interpretation, and the shapes reminding the letter “E” in the bottom and the upper right corner, can fairly well be an original reference to the German title of the picture (“Empor”).

More from 1929

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08 October 2018
know one know my name: amazing,the water colour really pops espaically with the amount of black used.its really deep and meaning-less all i can focus on is the deep blue backround and the anonymous stare placed by the big black dot. the picture looks like a small child with a hay and scarf taken from the side. but once you look at the dot its facing you and you can't unsee it..
06 February 2015
Hayley from New Windsor: Upward is from the year when the stock market crashed!
17 March 2014
aksa from india: whats the thought behind this painting....
20 February 2014
Sandy from Texas: Ehhh. It's Alright
11 January 2013
pancha firulais from ciudad d mexico california: esto se mira bello parece la cara de mi novio. una ves fui a la tienda. me compre unos huevos. sabian a mierda... no vayan a la 99 porke la comida sabe mala.
09 October 2012
Karim: Love this pic, absolutely epic
09 July 2012
Kent Brockman from Springfield: That person appears to be the key to something.
23 May 2012
Bob from Dylan : This reminds me of a foetus
18 March 2012
Anonymous from Earth: Can u give us a bit more information on this!!! there is hardly anything. but i like this painting...pretty cool

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