Odessa. Port (1898)  by Wassily Kandinsky

Odessa. Port


Oil on canvas

25.6 × 17.7" (65.0 × 45.0 cm)

Moscow, The State Tretyakov Gallery

More from 1898

All artworks by year

1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944


30 March 2022
Mike Oxmall: I love this piece of art! Just look at the quality of the shading!
28 January 2016
lenny from imalone wi: beautiful piece so much but so little ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
26 October 2015
solinda from california: Beautiful! I can feel the water gently moving while the large ship looms in the background.
14 September 2014
Carles from Catalonia, Spain: Wonderful picture, me inspira esperança, riquesa i pau. Me inspira Esperanza, Riqueza Espiritual y Paz. No parece de Kandinsky, sin embargo el color, no real, me impresiona tal como Kandinsky pretende, como la ausencia de figuras humanas también. Parece todo menos una pesadilla; quiero decir un mundo feliz: con la serenidad de unas barcas descargadas y el mar en calma a un lado, la presencia del gran barco de dos mástiles en posición central en armonía como la manifestación del Espíritu cuya luz ilumina todo. La presencia del muelle a la derecha da la necesaria estabilidad ante la gran manifestación de júbilo.
02 June 2014
Happiness from Heaven: I love BAM
14 May 2014
felix: was this his 1st painting?
18 March 2013
Estefania Rodzen from México: Simplemente Maravilloso el Arte de kandinsky
30 November 2012
Alba,Jesseca from Texas: This painting is realy good <3
02 June 2012
hannah from wales: i like it not my favourite by him.
16 May 2012
Lexie from Savannah: HE WAS BORN IN 1866.
04 August 2011
oleg from Russia: Kandinsky was born in 1866 :)
03 August 2011
Lisa Vornhagen from United States: It is impossible for this painting to have been done in 1898. Kandinsky was born in 1896!
17 December 2010
Brandon from FROM MRS LOMBARTO'S MOM!!!: lol i from a reaaaalllllyy old person! nice art
17 December 2010
Joey from FROM MARK's U KNOW WHAT!!!: woooohooo holy crap thats some nice art!
17 December 2010
Brigid from UP YOUR U KNOW WHAT: WOW..........................NICE MAN I WISH I COULD DO THAT.
12 October 2010
Taylor: I can almost imagine myself there
29 July 2010
nam from thailand: me too!

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