Composition IV
Oil on canvas
62.8 × 98.6" (159.5 × 250.5 cm)
Düsseldorf. Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen
Kandinsky’s comments:
Additional definition
1. Mass (Weights)
in the middle at the bottom – blue (providing cold tone to the whole)
on the right at the top – separated blue, red and yellow
on the left at the top – black interlacing lines of horses
on the right at the bottom – extended lines of lying figures
2. Contrasts
between mass and line
between precision and blur
between line interlacing and color interlacing, and
the main contrast between sharp abrupt movement (battle) and light cold delicate colors
3. Overlapping
of contours by colors.
Only all outlines of the castle are weakened by the sky flowing through its contour.
4. Two centers:
1. Line interlacing
2. A sharp shape modeled by blue
separated from each other by two vertical black lines (lances)
The whole composition is conceived as a very light one, with a great number of delicate tones which often flow into each other (resolution), yellow is also cold. The relation of the light, delicate and cold to the sharp movement (war) makes the main contrast in the picture. Here, in my opinion, this contrast is even stronger as compared to “Composition II” but it is also firmer (internally), more explicit; its advantage is a more accurate impression; the disadvantage is excessive obviousness of this accuracy.
The following elements form the basis:
1. The harmony of calm masses
2. Calm movement of certain parts, mainly to the right and upwards
3. Predominant sharp movement to the left and downwards
4. Contradiction inside both directions (small shapes move to the left inside the rightward movement, etc.)
5. Harmony of masses and simple lying lines
6. Contrast of blurred and contoured forms (i.e. line as just a line and as a contour which sounds like a line itself)
7. Overlapping of shape boundaries by colors
8. Predominance of the sound of colors over the sound of shapes
9. Resolutions
1911 March
Additional definition
1. Mass (Weights)
in the middle at the bottom – blue (providing cold tone to the whole)
on the right at the top – separated blue, red and yellow
on the left at the top – black interlacing lines of horses
on the right at the bottom – extended lines of lying figures
2. Contrasts
between mass and line
between precision and blur
between line interlacing and color interlacing, and
the main contrast between sharp abrupt movement (battle) and light cold delicate colors
3. Overlapping
of contours by colors.
Only all outlines of the castle are weakened by the sky flowing through its contour.
4. Two centers:
1. Line interlacing
2. A sharp shape modeled by blue
separated from each other by two vertical black lines (lances)
The whole composition is conceived as a very light one, with a great number of delicate tones which often flow into each other (resolution), yellow is also cold. The relation of the light, delicate and cold to the sharp movement (war) makes the main contrast in the picture. Here, in my opinion, this contrast is even stronger as compared to “Composition II” but it is also firmer (internally), more explicit; its advantage is a more accurate impression; the disadvantage is excessive obviousness of this accuracy.
The following elements form the basis:
1. The harmony of calm masses
2. Calm movement of certain parts, mainly to the right and upwards
3. Predominant sharp movement to the left and downwards
4. Contradiction inside both directions (small shapes move to the left inside the rightward movement, etc.)
5. Harmony of masses and simple lying lines
6. Contrast of blurred and contoured forms (i.e. line as just a line and as a contour which sounds like a line itself)
7. Overlapping of shape boundaries by colors
8. Predominance of the sound of colors over the sound of shapes
9. Resolutions
1911 March
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20 October 2020
NOBODY: The lines form a female. Starting from the left bottom, eye lashes and then a little bit above to the right are a woman's hands clasped together. Then in the middle are the legs and at the end are toes. Nice painting. 02 October 2020
no name please: I love the way all the colors and shapes flow together it makes me feel good!29 September 2020
Juan: It's abstract, so trying to figure out what he's representing is pointless. There's no conection to the physical world whatsoever. Just enjoy it... Or don't.15 May 2020
Gwen : This artwork is beautiful. I actually see a person when I look at this artwork. Kandinsky really was a brilliant man.04 November 2019
Marian Sydney: I decorated my earthenware bowls with sections of this painting....love it.15 September 2014
Logan from US: One low budget video games can look 100 times better than this. Everybody thinks that art is so emotional, but flappybird causes more emotion than this.17 February 2014
ken from Earth: from TATE website: "Display caption
Kandinsky believed that abstract paintings could convey spiritual and emotional values simply through the arrangement of colours and lines. Cossacks was made during a transitional period, when he retained some representational elements, such as the two Russian cavalrymen in tall orange hats in the foreground of the painting. Kandinsky considered these as points at which the images could be registered, rather than the true content of the painting."
also: https://www.wassilykandinsky.net/work-250.php
16 February 2014
BOB from Wonderland: OMG! someone explain what the painting means?27 November 2013
pizza from loco: I love it... beautiful 14 June 2013
N/A: Very abstract indeed13 June 2013
lindy from timbuktu: very beautiful painting oh yes.27 May 2013
Niall Horan from Mullingar wey hey: This picture makes me feel awesome. XDhehehehehe
05 October 2012
Charlotte from Frasnce: I love this pic i wamma marry it01 June 2012
Hi from By: RAINBOW!!!!!!01 June 2012
N/A from N/A: Great pic looks nice and all but what... is it?01 June 2012
? from ?: THIS MAKES NO SENSE, but it looks pretty nice anyway... I just don't see the picture.